Regarding Last Wednesday’s Candidates Night

Controversy continues to swirl on the Internet, about a directive issued by one of our officers, to Mayoral Candidate Garry McCarthy, for him to use English during the presentation of his platform at our recent Candidates Night Forum. This was not done because Mr. McCarthy greeted the bi-lingual Hispanic members of our community in Spanish, but because after his greeting he continued to speak in Spanish and gave a definite impression that he was going to continue his presentation using the same language.

At previous Candidates Night Forums, other candidates – some of whom currently are elected officials – have always used several different language greetings to warm to our audience; and that has never been a problem. In fact, this type of greeting always elicited empathy and mild laughter, as the candidate would seemingly stumble through the foreign language phrases.

One of the two “Invite Letters” sent to each Mayoral Candidate requested them to view our civic association’s website – – that not only lists the positions our civic association has taken on several issues, but also enumerates many of our organization’s accomplishments through our 81 years of history. The entire website content is in English. However, to reach out to everyone in our neighborhood, there is a translate button that interprets every word to approximately 12 different languages. The fact that our civic association is an ALL VOLUNTEER, nonprofit, non-political neighborhood group whose diverse membership currently stands at 800 addresses (750 residential and 50 businesses/industry), has a website, two Face Book pages, and has weathered many controversial storms and has still endured for 81 years, can be quite an intimidating prospect for a candidate seeking office, knowing if they win, they will eventually have to deal with us on some matters.

Can the Archer Heights Civic Association (AHCA) be all things to ALL people? NO, Are we perfect? NO, Do we make mistakes? YES. Do we learn from our mistakes? YES. Could the directive to Mr. McCarthy have been done more tactfully? YES. That politicians, career bureaucrats, and persons with their own individual agendas would like to see the influence of such a large independent community group fractured and diminished, there is no doubt. Will we make changes to future Candidates Night Forums? Changes currently are in the works.

It is very sad that some candidates in this upcoming Mayoral election have targeted their campaigns to specific demographics in the city, fractionalizing citizens. This old style political tactic of keeping the races and ethnic groups sparring among themselves, precludes people from unifying and demanding of our elected officials to do what they promised to do in their campaigns.

Mr. McCarthy consciously chose the way to present himself at our Forum. This, despite witnessing four Hispanic surnamed Aldermanic candidates, scheduled before him, who spoke to the audience in English, and each thereafter engage in an English Q & A dialog. While it is recognized that English is not the first language of all Archer Heights residents, it cannot be ignored that there were other non-Spanish bi-lingual residents present at our Forum.

The AHCA has been a welcoming civic group for ALL peoples in our community regardless of race, creed, or nationality. Our Civic Association will neither ignore these other bi-lingual ethnic nationalities that live in our community, nor those who only speak English. We will continue to be a beacon grassroots community group welcoming all individuals and businesses who want to live in a clean, safe, destination neighborhood. Eighty-one years of community advocacy is mute testimony that we are doing something very right.

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