Joann Williams, Mary Ellen Guest, Daniel Contreras, and Mary Ellen’s assistant
The AHCA conducts monthly General Membership meetings that coincide with the run of the school year. While we’re paused for the summer, we thought it a good time to take you through the run of a meeting, so you’re ready to join us in September!
First, AHCA meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month, at the UNO school cafeteria, at 7:30pm sharp.
We begin with Officer Reports and Standing Committee Reports that update members on issues such as neighborhood development, crime prevention and general goings-on in the community—and often, we welcome a special guest speaker for Q&A.

Our November 2016 meeting was a great example. It was the first of three recent visits from 8th District Commander Ronald Pontecore of the CPD, who had just been appointed to his position.
Additionally, we were visited by Mary Ellen Guest, President of Historic Bungalow Association (HBA), who, along with her assistant, filled us in on a new program—not just for historic bungalows, but also newer ones built in 1950s. The HBA also provides low-cost loans for various home improvements.

Several topics were covered, and your fellow neighbors asked tons of great questions. These meetings are a perfect opportunity to voice your concerns, as well as meet your neighbors and discover what’s brewing in Archer Heights.
Also, stuck for a baby sitter? We welcome children as long as they do not disturb the meeting. Picnic table style seating is available where kids can work on homework, color, do puzzles etc. So if you’ve got kids (or grand-kids), bring ’em along! We’d love to see you.
All photos by Karen Duddleston